Welcome to the upcoming Rebels Volleyball Club season!
The success of each team depends upon the commitment of the players, coaches and parents. The club recognizes that the coaches are responsible for the teams; however, your involvement with the team and the club will ensure a more exciting season for everyone involved.
It is expected that our Rebels parents will always act in a positive and responsible manner as spectators and as volunteers.
As parents you are role models for your daughters, their team and our club.
Where parents can help throughout the season:
Assist the coach in communicating the team's activities to the other parents.
Help with score keeping and lines at tournaments to free up players.
Help chaperone the team at away tournaments. This may include checking rooms, enforcing curfews. These duties can be shared among all parents/adults from the teams.
Assist in ensuring that players are transported safely to and from tournaments. Parents who transport athletes must have a minimum of one million dollars liability insurance.